Angular Security: Checklist

This final post summarizes the previous articles on Angular into a concise checklist.


As we promised before, we are sharing our Angular-only checklist. It should serve as a starting point, indicating areas to look into. You can also use it at the end of the assessment to ensure you haven’t missed anything!

The Checklist

Verify that:

Last words

We hope this checklist will be as valuable and useful to you as it is to us. If you are a developer, consider integrating security testing and code reviews into your development process to ensure that security is a top priority in your Angular projects.

📣 We would love to hear your feedback!

If you have any comments or suggestions regarding the security checklist, please share them with us via email ( Your feedback will help the other professionals make the world more secure!

News & Updates...

We are happy to share our methodology and security guide on how to do security reviews for Ruby on Rails applications through source code. In the article you will get an idea about the architecture and design of Ruby on Rails, present security checklist to increase the coverage for penetration testing assessments, and review how to find and exploit most of the OWASP 10 vulnerabilities.

Join us in exploring Meteor JS vulnerabilities.

XSS can be particularly devastating to Electron apps, and can result in RCE and phishing that might not be viable in a browser. Electron has features to mitigate these problems, so applications should turn them on. Even XSS that would be low-impact in the browser can result in highly effective phishing if the application’s URL allowlist is improperly designed. Attacks exploit the Electron model and the application-like presentation of Electron to gain the user’s confidence.